SAMSCO Thermal Evaporators and Waste Water Treatement
Evaporators and Wastewater Management Equipment
Phone: 603-668-7111

Samsco Water Evaporators—More Than Hardware

Samsco Water Evaporator II Wastewater Evaporator SystemSamsco Corporation believes that investment in a Samsco Evaporator should provide more than just ownership of the finest wastewater disposal/reclamation system available; it should provide the assurance that you have chosen an organization that will direct all of its resources to provide the best solution to your company’s unique wastewater disposal problems. As such, we provide the following services and service options:

Functional Pilot Testing:

Samsco was the first to establish a laboratory evaluation of every potential application. Our Functional Pilot Test assesses the chemistries of all waste streams and their appropriateness for evaporation, providing confidence that your evaporator installation will be the best solution for your particular application. MORE »

Facility Planning, Process Integration and System Customization, Including Turnkey Waste Treatment Systems:

Pre-installation planning service is another Samsco innovation. Our Application Engineers assist the client’s engineers as they incorporate evaporation into the plant. They will first analyze how waste streams are generated and move throughout the facility to determine how and where they are stored.

From this information, recommendations on the handling of various wastewaters and the evaporator’s integration into the facility will be provided. Samsco will assist in the selection and sizing of pumps, piping, process holding tanks, and residue tanks. Integral to planning will be the optimization of existing plant space and components so that costs are minimized.

Environmental Compliance Assistance:

Air Quality Permitting:
To assure environmental compliance, some Samsco evaporation systems (non closed-loop) are governed by air quality regulations. All states in the U.S. (and most foreign countries) have Air Quality compliance laws. With proper documentation and waste stream testing, Samsco Environmental Engineers typically are able to arrange permitting or even provide Air Quality Permit Exemptions. MORE »

Hazardous Waste Permitting:
As with Air Discharge Permitting, the regulations surrounding the evaporation of hazardous wastewaters vary from location to location. Samsco’s Environmental Engineers are very knowledgeable about obtaining the appropriate approvals needed for compliant evaporation of hazardous wastewaters.

As with the Air Quality Permits, Samsco Corporation can assist our clients in (1) obtaining the laboratory testing required for the permit application, (2) completing the required paperwork, and (3) following up with the individual regulatory agencies.

Environmental Regulations Database:
Samsco maintains an extensive database containing the environmental laws and regulations, as well as the permits required, pertaining to wastewater evaporation in all 50 states. This database also contains all the necessary forms and paperwork required to submit a filing. Samsco regularly updates this database so that we remain current with new laws and environmental issues pertaining to wastewater management procedures.

Our comprehensive database, combined with the knowledge and experience of the Samsco chemical/environmental engineering staff provide our clients with the convenience, cost savings, and comfort level that they have met their regulatory obligations completely.

Samsco’s Powerful Lifetime Support:

Beyond the initial planning and assessment, the way Samsco serves users after equipment installation is also critical to the long-term success of the investment.

Samsco’s commitment to the life-long support of our evaporative systems extends beyond equipment support and spare-parts stocking. In addition to the Free Telephone and Online Support, on site service and training plans exist to meet every user’s need.

Our staff of experienced Client Service Engineers is dedicated solely to user support. Our Client Service Engineers will assist with pre-planning the installation of a unit and its initial start-up. By using our Functional Pilot Test results we will help establish optimum operating procedures. Our Client Service Engineers are ready to support our system users throughout the life of the equipment. If a waste stream changes, new samples will be requested to establish new operating procedures.

Samsco maintains a complete documentation center on every specific evaporative system. It includes comprehensive data on all waste streams, regulatory testing/records, facility-layout drawings, any custom design work, and Samsco’s recommendations on each specific set of operating and maintenance procedures.

Samsco Corporation's documentation center also preserves a complete history of all the discussions between users and our Client Service Engineers.

These archives are valuable references for the future. This historical documentation has become invaluable for clients as they review proposed changes to their current processes, deal with staff turnover, and otherwise plan for the future.

Client Training

Samsco ’s commitment to the life-long support of our evaporative systems extends beyond equipment support and spare-parts stocking. Service plans exist to meet every user’s need.

Our staff of experienced Client Service Engineers is dedicated solely to user support. Our Client Service Engineers will assist with pre-planning the installation of a unit and its initial start-up, or provide on-site start-up and training. By using our Functional Pilot Test results we will help establish optimum operating procedures.


Contact: Sales at 603-668-7111, ~ Service at 603-668-7111 ext 7111 or 216-400-8207,

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